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Change Your Smile

Do you want to change your smile?

If you do you have come to the right place, Peter Winter-Moore and his team have a vast amount of experience in
achieving the look you want.
Peter was a founding member of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentists and regularly attends at least 50 hours of courses every 2 years to keep up-to-date with the latest dentistry has to offer.

He works closely with a team of technicians, Halligans Dental Laboratory, Consultant Implantologists and
Orthodontists to get the best results.

Smile Transformations

Many people  would like to have an improvement to a smile that they are far from happy with as it is often the first thing people notice about them. 
A transformed smile is a wonderful asset that will give you the appearance you have always wanted.

Dr Peter Winter-Moore is pleased to carry out a wax sculpture preview done directly on your front teeth in moments, to show how you would be changed before you agree to go ahead.
He likens it to a test drive.

Peter brings together a unique combination of talents as an experienced artist, dentist and innovator to create the appearance you and your family and friends will be happy with.
He learnt painting from his grandfather, Fine art Professor Austin Winter-Moore over thirty years ago and has had three art exhibitions; since then he has always been interested in the artistic side of dentistry and was one of the first dentists in Birmingham to provide porcelain veneers for his patients.
He has had a successful US patent on crowns and has had his work published in 2006 in Private Dentistry journal. He has also lectured to postgraduate groups on crowns...

As a full member of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Peter is able to bring you the state of the art techniques: which also in many cases involve no preparation of the tooth as the veneers can be securely bonded on using the latest technology.

Peter Works in partnership with leading Geoff Halligan Laboratories in Harborne who have the latest colour matching facilities to ensure even the slightest features are built into the ceramic to give the most life-like result possible.

“I encourage my patients to have a laboratory visit to ensure nothing is lost in translation “

Case studies of porcelain veneers

The dentistry was done by Peter Winter-Moore and ceramics done in the Geoff Halligan laboratory.

"we care about your comfort"