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Our philosophy is simple:

We treat our patients as if we were in their situation.
We first need to understand and respect your situation as everyone is unique; people have different needs, concerns,
values and disabilities.
By having a caring ethical and compassionate approach we listen to you and involve you in the decisions so we as a
team are able to provide excellent dental care appropriate to you.
To achieve this Moore Dental Care has a unique patient charter:

Our aim is to do our best to ensure your comfort during and after your visit to our practice. We involve you with the
decisions and whenever possible adopt a preventative and minimally invasive approach (preserving the maximum
amount of tooth) using the latest techniques and materials.

After an initial course of treatment if needed, when first joining our practice, most of our patients are pleased to see
how our maintenance program keeps their mouth healthy on a regular basis with generally much less treatment
needed and therefore keeping costs down, often only requiring two consultations and two hygiene visits per year.

The centre of our prevention unit is our Dental Hygienist, Kirsty McNicholl.
For most patients regular visits with Kirsty in her dedicated surgery will provide excellent prevention of both gum and
tooth problems, particularly if this is combined with a healthy diet and no smoking.
We also give dietary advice and counselling as well as home care advice and instructions.

Resins and gels applied either in the surgery or at home can prevent decay helping to ensure a healthy mouth or the
years to come. 

Regular consultations will often allow preventative measures or minimal treatment to pick up problems early tending to reduce costs and above all maintain a healthy mouth.


"we care about your comfort"